Jump In and Be Inspiring


When it comes to blogging, I've always been hesitant to jump in. There are plenty of blogging How-Tos out there. I've read them. I've even taken a course or two. It was all for naught. I could sit in my jammies and watch webinar after webinar, but the productivity is up to me. The formula doesn't matter if I don't write the content.I find that I have a tendency to put unnecessary steps in front of the goals I want to achieve. But I recently came across a blog post talking about taking action by setting goals, then acting on that goal in a small step. I've heard it before but for some reason, it stuck this time. woman jumpingSo here I am producing some content. No frills. No affiliate links (yet). Nothing to plug but my own site. Too often I find myself staring down the barrel of a brand new venture, scared to pull the trigger. I've known for a long time that I'm a procrastinator. My mother would call that "lazy". And as much as I hate that word due to years criticism by said mother (*sniff*), it is definitely time accept that label just so I can finally shake it off. I'm going to say it again: It's time to jump in. It's time to take all the motivation quotes I've heard over the years and put them to use. I'm throwing out word counts and themed months. I'm writing. Plain and Simple. Marketing and promoting will come. Monetizing, if I choose to do so, will come later. Writing is the one thing I've always come back to in some way, shape, or form. It's a passion that is fueled by a need to release words into the universe.Since this will be my first time writing on topics in the real world*, I reached out to some fabulous ladies who have agreed to join me on this writing about women journey. A Women's Writing Collective if you will. Anyone can join. I want the voice of women's issues to be just that, the voice of women.So jump in, no matter how you express it. Writing, singing, journaling, advocacy, whatever. Jump into that uncomfortable place of letting yourself go. Jump in and share your story, your opinion, your advice. Jump in and be the person that shines a light on what another woman is feeling. You may not be alone and you'll let other women know that they have a kindred spirit out there somewhere. And you just may encourage them to jump in with you.

*As opposed to the fiction writing I do.

It's been a long summer


The Introvert Interview