I'm a Writer, NOT a Blogger

Breathe life into your passions before they become hobbies.

I am a writer. There, I said it.Distracted by what I thought I should be doing, I've been trying to figure out how to "get into blogging" in a way that suits my everyday life. After articles on what makes a good blog post, how to grow your audience, how to market your brand, and blah, blah, blah, I've come to the conclusion that I am not a blogger. I am a writer. There's nothing in those classes that aren't common sense to a blogger, to someone who wants quick notoriety.I'm a writer. I always have been. I can literally (pun intended) remember the first letters I ever wrote. Squat in front of the coffee table, I was shown how to write my name. The curve of the S, the simplicity of the H, then that fucking A. It really is two letters in one. How was I supposed to write one letter that was two?I digress.All of the above being said, I'm here to write for me. I'll bring what I breathe life into to this platform. I'll lay myself bare on the slab that is the internet and social media. I have no qualms about opening my writing to the world anymore. I can't hide my writing behind themed posts and info-torials. While I like both, they are not my strength. Writing is my passion. It is what I breathe life into. I may not always be grammatically correct. I may write in circles. My characters will be one-dimensional at times. But I will write. I will pull thoughts from my head and this resting place of words will be my Pensieve (any Potter heads? No?).Are you a writer, a painter, a musician? What you breathe life into, your passion, shouldn't play second fiddle to anything else. Love, honor, and respect what you are passionate about. Speak it into being if you have to.I am a writer. I change fate. I create drama. I bring back the dead. I conquer the impossible. I create worlds of vivid color that weakens the mightiest of angels. I breathe life into being with words, paragraphs, and pages. I am a WRITER.Blessings.


January Reflection


October 11th: National Coming Out Day!